Many executives dismiss the reality check for a variety of reasons. Some are:
- No time.
- Not know how to do it.
- Once done, not know what to do about it?
- Some even have a fear of what the analysis will show
These may not resonate with you but you are undoubtedly interested in getting the reality check. Right?
Here is a simple scorecard that I developed that will give the answers and also address all of the points above. Take the quiz. It takes less than two minutes. Feel free to print it out and give it to some of your employees or colleagues. Just put a check in the column that best describes your company for each of the questions.
Click on the photo below and the image will come in clearly.

How did it come out? If you have placed checks on the left half of the questionnaire, you may have some problems.
Contact me and I can review the results with you. This is the free $3,000 value. No charge and no obligation.
This can be your chance to invest in yourself and your company and make those dreams a reality.
John Maver
Maver Management Group
(925) 648-7561
Maver Management

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