When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings
When my bankroll is getting small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep counting my blessings
I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
And one by one I count them
As they slumber in their beds
If you're worried and you can't sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings
Many of you will recognize the song above from the movie White Christmas. This has been a favorite movie of our family for many years. Among other elements it tells of love, loyalty, celebration and the ability to find a way through hard times. It encourages hope. We are thankful for hope. It is difficult to crush this feeling more than just temporarily. Somewhere, deep inside, is the belief and anticipation that things will get better. And while not everything works out the way we want, things do get better.
Although this year has been a tough one for many of us, looking ahead are better times. Hope!!!. We are grateful that our family members are all relatively healthy and that communication abounds, even though great distances separate us. We are blessed with amazing, wonderful children and grandchildren.
The Christmas season joyfully celebrates the birth of Christ. In addition to this miracle, it brings with it renewed friendships and the exchange of glad tidings among friends and family. We are thankful we live in a country with freedom, opportunity and almost unlimited resources. We are privileged to have strong family ties based on love and respect. We cherish you, our wonderful family and friends, who bring us spice and affection and we appreciate the magnificence of our lives more than ever before.
As we move from Thanksgiving to Christmas, our sense of thanks increases. We are also blessed with the greatest gift of all, Jesus. May the love of this gift surround you and all close to you during Christmas and throughout the coming year. God bless us everyone!

John Maver
Maver Management Group
(925) 648-7561
Maver Management
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