A number of companies are not achieving the expected results despite what they consider very good strategic business planning. Others don’t have a good plan and even with solid in-market activities are also struggling. Why is that? As we analyze these companies, it may seem obvious to us but certainly not to them. Otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it. Or would they?
Traditionally, strategy creation has been almost solely in the domain of the CEO and some of the senior executives. They huddle in conference rooms or even take it off site to a resort where they can also do some “team building” like golf. After the designated period, since most of these sessions have an end time set at the start no matter what unexpected issues arise during the sessions, a plan is “completed and agreed”. This is generally given to a designated implementer and the team returns to their regular responsibilities, pleased that the task has been completed. In many instances, little to no thought or resources have been given to the actual implementation. Hence, the results generally do not achieve the expectations.
Traditionally, the execution of business plans or daily activities are in the domain of the mid to lower levels of the organization. They are given a general idea of what they are expected to do and how to do it and then left to figure it out on their own. If there are additions of new programs or projects, usually they are added to the workload with resources to come from existing allocations. Not surprisingly, the results from this effort also do not meet expectations.
As you can see from the way the two scenarios are described, both are doomed to failure. Perhaps if you review the way that your company operates, you may be surprised to find that you are also falling into one or both of these traps.
Simply, you wouldn’t plan a trip without any idea of how you were actually going to get to your destination. And you would just get into the car without any idea of where you were headed and just drive. The same logic holds true in strategic business planning for success.
Clearly, strategy and execution have to be tied closely together. A recent issue of the Harvard Business Review had a lead article on this critical point. At Maver Management as we work with our clients we attempt to have at least a couple of “Implementers” on the strategic team just to insure that the team understands how the plan will be executed for success. Secondly, a significant element in the post strategic planning process is the cascading of the corporate plan down through the business units and functions. In this way, all will know exactly what is expected to be achieved and what their role in achieving it will be. It leads to coordinated business unit and functional strategic plans that directly tie to the corporate.
With a close tie together, it enables companies to make needed adjustments to the strategic plan quickly based on direct market place feed back. This keeps the plan current and on target. It is apparent that waiting for the next scheduled round of planning exercises a year off will not work in today’s fast moving economic climate.
The combining of strategy and execution may sound obvious. However, we have found that most companies do not do this and when they hire us to help them, are surprised that it is an important element of the planning process. Once they are underway, they see the merits and the results reinforce the wisdom of doing it.
The concept is basic. Are you tying your strategic planning directly to the execution?
Contact us if we can be of assistance. We have the experience and the successes.
John MaverPresidentMaver Management Group(925) 648-7561Maver Management
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