Sunday, December 16, 2007

CEO Tip 8 Do it. Just do it!!!!

By John Maver
Part of a presentation given at the Renaisance Forum for CEOs

This is a great Nike slogan that reached a lot of people and established Nike’s reputation in athletic wear. But it is much more than that. It is a call to action. To actually employ the employees and the leadership teams in the culture that has been created. To capitalize on the capital you have invested and the brands created. To be meaningful to your customers, to fill their needs and to do it through your significant strengths. You just have to do it. A good plan in the market has a far better chance of successful impact than a great plan still being developed

“The thing that keeps me awake in this business is the speed at which you have to move.”
Robert Nardelli CEO Home Depot

Many CEO’s get to the top based on their success at making decisions. However, once at the top there is the realization that the decisions are different. At all other levels in the company on important decisions all you could say is no to the project. If you agreed with the idea or recommended project, it went up the line to the next level of authority for their concurrence. Now, at the CEO level, you're it. You make that “Yes” decision. The final decision is yours!

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
Wayne Gretzsky

But there can be a reluctance to actually make that decision. It can be seen in some of the following actions:
* Paralysis by analysis.
* Do more research.
* Send it to a committee for further study.

All of these are delays in the decision making process and all cause the company’s progress to slow or stall. Often times they come under the umbrella thought of “We will do this when things settle down.” Guess what?? Things never settle down. So get on with it and start driving your business forward.

“Get out of your own way … Your success depends on it.”
Bill Gates Microsoft

How are you doing?

Are you poised for action or are you treading water at the moment?

What is keeping you from driving ahead?

Think about getting some professional consulting help to be a catalyst for you and your team.

John Maver
Maver Management Group
(925) 648-7561
Maver Management

View John Maver's profile on LinkedIn

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